Live arrivals at 05:20:12

Bus routes served by this stop

  1. N5 N5 to Edgware Station 5 mins
  2. 142 142 to Watford Junction 5 mins
  3. N113 N113 to Edgware Station 7 mins
  4. 186 186 to Northwick Park, Hospital 9 mins
  5. N32 N32 to Edgware Station 10 mins
  6. 79 79 to Edgware Station 11 mins
  7. 303 303 to Edgware Station 12 mins
  8. 142 142 to Brent Cross 13 mins
  9. 340 340 to Edgware Station 19 mins
  10. 251 251 to Edgware Station 19 mins
  11. 107 107 to Edgware Station 26 mins

First and last services, timetables and route details

There are multiple ways of getting from Edgware Station to your chosen destination using 186. Please view the 186 timetable for first and last service details.

Station facilities

  • Lifts
  • Waiting Room
  • Gates
  • WiFi
  • Ticket Halls
  • Bridge
  • Payphones


Edgware Station
London Underground Ltd.
Station Rd