Bus timetable
Off-peak journey times in minutes
0 mins
Service arrives at
Bennett Road
0 mins
Service arrives at
Newham Leisure Centre
1 mins
Service arrives at
Newham Way
2 mins
Service arrives at
Mortlake Road
3 mins
Service arrives at
Tree Road
5 mins
Service arrives at
Victoria Dock Road
6 mins
Service arrives at
Chauntler Close / Cundy Park
7 mins
Service arrives at
Custom House Station
8 mins
Service arrives at
Bridgeland Road
Connects to IFS Cloud Cable Car Connects to IFS Cloud Cable Car Connects to DLR Connects to DLR
9 mins
Service arrives at
Munday Road / Royal Victoria
10 mins
Service arrives at
Hallsville Primary School
11 mins
Service arrives at
Keir Hardie Recreation Ground
12 mins
Service arrives at
Jude Street
13 mins
Service arrives at
Brunel Street
15 mins
Service arrives at
Canning Town Station