Bus timetable
Off-peak journey times in minutes
0 mins
Service arrives at
Brixton Station Road
1 mins
Service arrives at
Shakespeare Road
2 mins
Service arrives at
Loughborough Junction Station
3 mins
Service arrives at
Pomfret Road
Connects to National Rail Connects to National Rail
4 mins
Service arrives at
Lilford Road
6 mins
Service arrives at
Caldecot Road
7 mins
Service arrives at
Valmar Road
7 mins
Service arrives at
Denmark Hill / Camberwell Green
10 mins
Service arrives at
Camberwell Church St / Camberwell Grn
11 mins
Service arrives at
St Giles Church
11 mins
Service arrives at
Vestry Road
12 mins
Service arrives at
Peckham Road / Southampton Way
13 mins
Service arrives at
Harris Academy
16 mins
Service arrives at
Peckham Library
18 mins
Service arrives at
Peckham Bus Station