How to use the London Dial-a-Ride app

You need to be a member of Dial-a-Ride to use the app. Join Dial-a-Ride before you download it and sign in.

Download the app

Make sure you're reading this page on your iOS or Android phone or tablet. Use the links below to click through to the Play store (Android) or App store (iOS - for iPhones).

Download the app on the Apple App Store  Download the app on the Google Play store

Sign in

Once the installation is finished, sign in to the app with the email address or phone number you used to register as a Dial-a-Ride member.

  • Open the London Dial-a-Ride app
  • Enter your registered phone number or email address:
    • Phone number: click 'Next' and we'll text a one-time code to your phone (a 6-digit number) - enter the code to use the app
    • Email address: if you're a new Dial-a-Ride member, we'll send your sign in details by text. Existing members can call in and we'll give you a password to use with your email address
Screen shot of the Dail-a-ride app what's your number screen

Email address

If you're a new Dial-a-Ride member, we'll send your sign in details by text. Existing members can call in and we'll give you a password to use with your email address

Screen shot of the Dail-a-ride app log in screen

Book a ride

Choose your start and finish addresses

  • Confirm your pick up spot (your usual pick up address) or
  • Enter an address

To enter an address

  • Select a point of interest on the map with your finger
  • Type the address into the search bar
  • Choose a suggested destination (including recents and favourites)
Screen shot of the Dial-a-ride app, Book a ride

Add anyone travelling with you

  • If you are registered as needing to travel with an escort, they will automatically be added to your journey (they do not need to be a Dial-a-Ride member)
  • Choose the number of extra passengers
  • Change the number of passengers as needed for each trip
Screen shot of the Dial-a-ride app, add people travelling with

Request your departure or arrival time

  • If you know your schedule, it's best to book your trip a day or two in advance, if possible
  • Leave the schedule icon set to Schedule if you want your journey to be as soon as possible - go to Details
  • To book a journey in advance, click on the schedule icon and select a different time
Screen of the Dial-a-ride app, how to schedule depart arrival times

Schedule your departure

  • Choose a date and time to Depart
  • Dial-a-Ride is a shared service - we will give you a 30-minute booking window as near to your requested time as possible
  • We will text you a reminder the day before your journey and 15 minutes before your pick up time
Screen shot of the Dial-a-ride app, schedule depart time

Schedule your arrival

  • Choose a date and time to Arrive. Use Arrive if you're going to an appointment
Screen shot of the Dial-a-ride app, schedule arrival time

Choose your ride

  • The app will show you the rides available
  • Select the one that works best for you
  • Select Book this Journey to select your ride
  • The app will show all the details of your ride
  • If you don't need a return journey, select OK
Screen shot of the Dial-a-ride app, select your ride

Book your return trip

  • Select Book Return
  • Follow the same process to book your journey times
  • When you've finished, we will send a confirmation of your trip reservation through your chosen communication channel
Screen shot of the Dial-a-ride app, book return trip

Check, change or cancel trips

From the home screen:

  • Click on the menu button (circle with three lines, top left)
  • Select Scheduled Rides to get a calendar or a list of rides booked
Screen shot of the Dial-a-ride app, amend your trip
  •  If you're in calendar view, click on a date to see what you have booked
  • Journeys listed as Pending still need to be confirmed by Dial-a-Ride
  • Select the trip you want to change or cancel
  • Click Edit to change the trip
  • Click Cancel to cancel the trip
Screen shot of the Dial-a-ride app, change and check your trip details

Alternative to the app

If you do not have a smartphone, you can telephone us on 0343 222 7777 (call charges may apply) to schedule a ride.