Buses, coaches and minibuses over 5 tonnes Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) do not need to pay the ULEZ charge. The vehicle types listed below over 3.5 tonnes GVW also do not need to pay the ULEZ charge. These vehicles will need to pay the London-wide LEZ charge if they do not meet the LEZ emissions standards.
The ULEZ and LEZ schemes allow for some vehicles to retrofit emissions reduction technology to meet the standards.
Retrofit technologies need to be certified by the government's Clean Vehicle Retrofit Accreditation Scheme (CVRAS). CVRAS currently has emissions reduction technologies certified for vans, minibuses, motorhomes, buses, coaches, HGVs and refuse vehicles.
A vehicle with emissions reduction technology fitted needs to have this certified by CVRAS. Once certified, the owner should notify TfL directly.
More details on the retrofit accreditation process and suppliers are available on the Energy Savings Trust website.
If you drive an HGV over 12 tonnes gross vehicle weight in Greater London at any time you will need to apply for an HGV Safety Permit. A penalty charge notice will be issued to vehicles without a permit.
Applying for a permit is free of charge. Find out more about the Direct Vision Standard (DVS) for HGVs.
If you need more advice about the ULEZ, you can make an enquiry.